15 Long Term Natural Beauty, Wellness & Longevity Tips

Sharif Sourour
22 min readJul 1, 2023


Most of time‘s aging effects are preventable, even reversible with these natural and consistent practices.

As a 37-year-old, it is fun meeting new people often a decade or more younger than me believing I am around their age or younger. Although many may attribute this to luck or genetics, since my other family members have not all necessarily been able to maintain the same level of youth and fitness, sometimes by a long shot, it is clearly more than just chance. Always happy to share what works for…



Sharif Sourour

Bboy Shogi (将技) Breaker (since ‘99), Media & Software 日本語でも会話できます。Shogi’s IG: http://instagram.com/bboyshogi/ Battle Series On YT: https://youtube.com/c/SharifS